Bubbles for Emotional Regulation

If you have participated in one of our Kindermusik and/or Singing Yogis™ classes, then you’ve seen us hand out bubbles during various activities. That’s because bubbles are an amazing and affordable regulation tool! 

Why? The act of blowing bubbles requires deep breathing and a long exhale, which helps to calm and reset our nervous system. Plus, giving our littles the visual of bubbles as they practice their breathing is a great way to begin to develop important coping skills they will soon need, if not already, to learn to regulate their bodies and minds. Even if they are too young to blow the bubbles themselves yet, the visual of bubbles in the room is giving children as young as infants something to refocus their brains on. 

You might try bubbles at home the next time you or your little one is having some big feelings, or needs to refocus their energy or find calm. Just remember, we use these tools to help us regulate, not as a distraction technique. Once our bodies and minds feel calm from playing with the bubbles, then your child will have an easier time integrating their logical brain to help address whatever it is that caused those big emotions. That’s a very important step, so make sure to include it! Most importantly, have fun! 

Here’s a bubble rhyme to enjoy with your bubble play!

Breath in deep, then gently blow

Now you’ll see the bubbles grow!

Blow the bubbles all around,

Watch them pop upon the ground!

Spot them floating way up high,

Blow your bubbles towards the sky!

See the bubbles up above,

Feel the bubbles spreading love!

Bubbles bubbles all around, 

Listen to their quiet sound.

Making bubbles nice and slow.

Inhale in and let it go.


The Magic of Singing in a Group


Student of the Month: Aiden