Student of the Month: Henry

We love our students! They inspire us, they challenge us, they make us laugh and smile. But most importantly, they are each wonderful, unique individuals getting ready to go out into the world and make amazing things happen! That’s why we are highlighting one of our amazing students every month.

This month's featured student is Henry!

Henry is one of the most creative and compassionate souls you’ll meet. We first got to know him as an imaginative preschooler in Kindermusik. Starting piano at the age of 5, he’s always been musical, participating in our Singers Clubs and now learning string bass in school as well. We’re so proud of the musician he’s worked hard to become over the last five years, but mostly we love how much he loves music!

Henry always comes to his lesson with a huge smile, a funny story, a clever joke, and a question far beyond his years (“do you know why the universe is always expanding?”). He loves discovering and learning new music, and has quite the knack for writing his own tunes, too!

May the Force (of music) always be with you, Henry!

Q: What do you enjoy most about music?

A: Gosh, I don’t know! I just like it, kind-of how I just love Star Wars. It just speaks to me.

Q: What’s your favorite song to play?

A: I like to play (on piano) and sing Carol of the Bells. On bass, my favorite is Caribbean Island. And I like to sing along to The Pentatonix, especially their “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”

Q: What is a song you would like to learn?

A: I’d like to get good enough at piano that I can just make up songs on the fly.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: That’s tricky! Ok I have a few different things. Maybe a singer. Maybe a scientist, like a chemist or robotics engineer. Also a bassist because I’m learning bass in school and of course a piano player.

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: I have a couple favorites: blue-greenish, like a teal, neon pink, and lavender.

Q: What animal would you be, if you were not a human?

A: Maybe a dog

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

A: Well flying is an obvious one. I really like Doctor Strange, and it would be cool to have the power to make weapons and stuff, and his cape is really cool. Iron Man doesn’t have a super power, but he’s really smart, so maybe being super smart and really good with technology.


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