Emotional Regulation for Adults - Part 1
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as shown on simplypsychology.org
Being a human is hard. Being a parent is hard. Wintertime is hard. Sometimes life is just….hard.
But you don’t have to face things unarmed, and you don’t have to do it alone-we are here to help!
If you’ve been following our studio for a while, then you know that we are big proponents of emotional regulation in our students. But what about emotional regulation for adults? Yes it’s a thing, and lucky for you we can help! After all, it takes a village, right? And it starts with you!
First of all, what is emotional regulation? The answer is simple: it’s the ability to exert control over one’s own emotional state.
While the answer might be simple, doing so is a whole different story. It takes time, and planning, and LOTS of reflection, grace, and patience with yourself. In the end though, it is so worth it. You deserve to feel at peace in your mind and body, and you can! Here’s one important tip to keep in your personal emotional regulation toolbox:
Make sure YOUR needs are being met: Lots of us go throughout our day, taking care of everybody else and forgetting to meet our own needs like eating well, hydrating, and resting. This is our first tip for a reason. You can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (see below), it’s the largest portion, and foundation of the pyramid. You’ve got to meet your basic, physiological needs, before anything else can be accomplished. It’s psychology 101.
What does this look like? Well, some planning ahead to be honest. If you know you have a busy day ahead and tend to get hangry, keep some nourishing snacks in your bag, car, or desk. Make sure you keep a water bottle on hand to hydrate throughout the day. There’s even apps you can use to remind you! Set alarms to take a bathroom break, even if it’s just to sit in the quiet and breathe for a minute. If you know your energy is low after lunch, take a five minute movement break to walk in place, or do some energizing stretching or yoga. Setting yourself up for success takes time, but it is a must!
Remember, when we feel our best, we can show up as our best for others! Follow us for more adult regulation tips in the future, OR join a Harmony Garden class and get free access to our parenting course!