Our son truly loves going to Kindermusik and tells everyone what he did in class. My husband and I have seen such a change in his social skills and his independence from just this short amount of time. Thank you!
— Danielle, Kindermusik Parent

Level 2

18 months - 3 Years

The tremendous two’s are a time to be celebrated! Watch your little one’s independence and self-esteem blossom as she explores her unique abilities and preferences, then runs back to you with pride for a reassuring hug!

Each week your child will love singing, dancing, and playing exciting new percussion instruments with you and her new friends. And you’ll love helping her practice a wide variety of emerging abilities like gross and fine motor skills, turn-taking, social skills, and active listening. At the same time, we’ll learn how to identify our feelings and learn to navigate all the new emotions that come along with being in that fantastic second year of life!

Ready to join our Kindermusik family? Classes are ongoing throughout the year, so you can join at any time!

Psst - Is your preferred class FULL? Join the waitlist! Spaces are always becoming available as children graduate up to the next level. Join the wait list, and when an opening becomes available we will reach out to welcome you in!

Happiness Guarantee! A stellar experience for you and your young musician is absolutely guaranteed. If after 6 classes or lessons you are not 100% happy, we will refund you any remaining paid tuition on your account.

I have noticed a developmental shift in my son in just the first month that we have been attending class!

- Angelina, Kindermusik Parent

Let’s Find the Perfect Class for Your Family

Our friendly team would love to help you find the perfect class for your young musician! Give us a call or text!

Not a phone person? We get you! We’d be happy to email you additional details and continue the conversation that way. Simply complete the form below.

Either way, we look forward to answering all your questions and helping finding the perfect musical experience for you and your child!

Send Me More Info!

We can't wait to introduce you to the magic and joy that is Kindermusik! We'll reach out right away with your informational "Welcome to Kindermusik" brochure.

    We respect your privacy. Your information is safe with us. Unsubscribe at any time.