Why take lessons over the summer?

We know it’s only April, but summer will be here before you know it. And you know what that means: Vacations, family time, summer camp, relaxing, and a whole lot of ice cream!  What you might not know, though, is that summer time is also the perfect time for private lessons, whether you are starting for the first time, or continuing your study. Here’s why:

  1. The perfect time to focus on musical progress! School’s out, and that means your musician has more time, attention, and energy to devote to learning and mastering new musical skills! It also means we experience faster learning, allows students to go even deeper in our pedagogy, and we can take the time to really study something new. Talk about being well-rounded! 

  2. Routine provides structure and motivation! If you’re a Kindermusik family then you know how we  loooove our routines at Harmony Garden! Routine helps us feel safe and calm because we know what to expect. It also provides some much needed structure that helps us stay disciplined, motivated and engaged, especially during a time of year that is typically more up in the air than the rest. 

  3. Build Confidence! Research shows that extended intervals of learning rest, such as summer vacation, can lead to mental blocks and retention decay, commonly referred to as the “summer learning slide.” Summer lessons are the perfect way to easily bridge that learning gap while still balancing your time off. Students will keep their brains sharp and focused so that they can feel more confident going into the next school year. Also a little fun fact: Summer sun boosts your energy! What a perfect boost for learning! 

  4. Beat boredom! Let’s face it: as fun as it can be, at times summer break can also feel long and boring. Private lessons provide the opportunity to continue healthy learning habits and set meaningful goals to combat the eventual boredom that video games and TV will inevitably bring a few weeks into your break. Plus it gets you out of the house! 

  5. Discover new interests and opportunities! With no added pressure from school, or recital deadlines etc., summer provides the perfect opportunity to try something new! Maybe you want to try out a different instrument or learn how to sing. Maybe you want to try a different style of music, or learn to compose! Perhaps you have some time to take a new class, or perform at something fun,like singing at a baseball game! Summer learning doesn’t have to follow a specific plan. The world is your oyster!


Demystifying the Senses: Proprioception and Emotional Regulation


Student of the Month: Madelyne