Student of the Month: Juliella

We love our students! They inspire us, they challenge us, they make us laugh and smile. But most importantly, they are each wonderful, unique individuals getting ready to go out into the world and make amazing things happen! That’s why we are highlighting one of our amazing students every month.

This month's featured student is Juliella!

Juliella has been playing piano for three years this spring, and enters every lesson with a big smile! She’s a quick learner and enjoys playing favorite songs she’s already learned from memory. And she’s quite the well-rounded artist, also participating in school theater productions!

We know the future Juliella’s Bakery will be full of treats just as sweet as she is!

Q: What do you enjoy most about music?

A: I like the different beats and rhythms that music can create.

Q: Do you have a favorite musical memory?

A: Learning to play Mr McGill’s Boop Sha-Bop

Q: What is your favorite song to play?

A: Mr McGill’s Boop Sha-Bop

Q: What is a song you would like to learn?

A: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: Baker

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Light blue

Q: What animal would you be, if you were not a human?

A: Panda

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

A: Invisibility


Why take private lessons?


Composer of the Month: Fanny Mendelssohn